Walking Stick Community Support Program

Walking Stick Community Support Program

Walking Stick is a community support program that offers assistance to adults affected with FASD and other disorders who also face multiple health and safety challenges.

Walking Stick is a community support program that offers assistance to adults affected with FASD and other disorders who also face multiple health and safety challenges. There are many challenges these individuals face but more importantly, they all have strengths, abilities and advantages which are mostly undiscovered or underestimated. We help by creating unique forms of care and support which allows for reconnection with all four areas of an individual’s well-being (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual as per the Medicine Wheel)

The Walking Stick Program strives to build a restorative environment based on cultural practices and traditional teachings of respect, support and empathy towards individuals, families and community.

This includes peaceful, collaborative forms of care and support which allows for re-connection with all four areas of an individual’s well-being (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual as per the Medicine Wheel).

Examples of supports the Walking Stick Community Program provides are:

  • Consistent case management,
  • Outreach support,
  • Maintaining connections and healthy relationships,
  • Securing and maintaining safe housing,
  • Acquiring income and assisting with finances,
  • Navigating and understanding the justice system,
  • Transport and environmental accommodations,
  • Assisting with medical & treatment regiments,
  • Supporting reconciliation when conflicts arise,   and
  • Traditional and cultural healing activities,

Program Eligibility:

  • Lives in Winnipeg,
  • 16 Years of age or older,
  • A diagnosis of FAS, pFAS, ARND or documented history of probable prenatal exposure to alcohol,
  • Other mental health or co-occurring issues,
  • Eligible for Government funded supports

For more information, contact:

Administrative Coordinator

Download the Referral Form below.

Oshki-Giizhig Referral Form